How to Deal with Today's Increased Stress Levels: A Guide to Understanding Strong Emotions
How to Deal with Today's Increased Stress Levels: A Guide to Understanding Strong Emotions
Our bodies, thoughts, emotions, and spirits are all being influenced by the rapid pace of change in the world today. Have you noticed a recent uptick in the intensity of your feelings? We are seeing more incidents of disruptive outbursts and behaviors, as well as more positive emotions related to expanding love, that are inspiring people to take more risks in their interpersonal relationships and in making important life decisions because of the increased intensity of their emotions.
On a spiritual level, the human heart is becoming more vast and moving beyond its previously perceived limited confines of self-focus. We now have unparalleled levels of communication not just among ourselves but also between us and the planet Earth on which we dwell, both for technological advancements and the Earth's ongoing spiritual progress. Many of the world's problems have been caused by our self-centered actions, and we must take action to fix them. Everyone is being urged to take more personal responsibility and a stronger readiness to work with others to find answers to the world's challenges by the times we live in.
There is an upsurge in the worst of mankind as the spiritual evolutionary force continues to alter us and open the hearts of humanity. As our spiritual awareness grows and our sensitivity to the world around us deepens, we are confronted with frightening instances of negativity manifesting itself in great and subtle ways.
This procedure, which looks so harsh and painful, is known as the process of purification. As the Earth experiences larger levels of spiritual light, the light operates both to open the heart and awaken spiritual awareness, as well as to enlighten what has been concealed and divided from the light of spiritual oneness. Negative thoughts fill our consciousness and feel like they'll never stop. In our current incarnation, we are in the middle of the most challenging phase of the transformation process.
We may begin to sense the greater love, light, and freedom that comes with being cleaned at a deep level as the negativity subsides. The goal of purification is to lead a life in harmony with oneself, God, and the rest of the natural world. So that mankind might be at peace, in harmony with God and all of life. This process is taking place both personally and globally.
As adults, many of us still carry the grief of our childhoods as well as the anguish we are conscious of from inside our hearts. As the Earth's spiritual environment brightens, we may experience these feelings to a greater degree. Anger, sadness, or sorrow are just a few of the emotions that appear to permeate our thoughts no matter what is going on in our everyday lives. All of a sudden, we find ourselves inundated with these sentiments that appear to spring from an unending well. As a result, we may have been subjected to unforeseen life crises that have left us with deep and terrible scars that we fear will never be healed.
There is a broader movement taking place on the planet, and our current feelings are just a little part of that. A pure and heavenly child of light resides inside you, and this child of light knows what needs to be healed. In order to better cope with your emotions, it helps to keep in mind that they are part of a normal healing process and that you are experiencing them but aren't them.
In God's image, you are a valuable and lovely person, designed to give a unique gift that only you can provide to the world. Trust that your feelings will eventually flow through you like water. There is a fresh future waiting for us on the other side of the storm, with endless possibilities inside God's embrace of spirit. The gift of God's life is a tremendous blessing, given to you for a divine reason. This is something you can rely on and pursue your heart's desire. New balance and alignment between your body, mind, emotions, and spirit will bring you to a new level of tranquility and inner satisfaction.
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